One of the most common presentations to my practice is couples wanting to communicate better. We often think of communication as talking, we rarely think of the skill of listening and more importantly listening to...
Mindful Intimacy
Mindfulness in Sexuality: I believe that we all want to feel a depth of connection with our significant other…and yet, for the most part, many of us have not been shown how to access that. Often we think that sex alone...
Sex isn’t something you do….
Sex isn’t something we do but a place that we go… This was a phrase coined by the fabulous relationship therapist, Esther Perel. It is a phrase that I often share with couples who are having difficulty navigating...
People Pleasing
People pleasing…why do we do it…and what might be the impacts to your relationship? People pleasing comes from our way of learning to be loved as a child, usually born out of a trauma response. Our trauma responses are...
Attachment Styles
One of the things that I often witness seems to cause great disrupt within peoples intimate relationships is differing attachment styles. Attachment theory was first put forward by developmental psychologist Mary...
This free thing that I have for you
Be clear about the benefit of signing up – what will they get and why should they want it?